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golden era

'summer school of baseball'


Availability: 20 Open Spots

Ages: 9U to 12U Players

Dates: Monday Wednesday & Friday's

June 22nd to August 14th

or Tuesday & Thursday's

June 23rd to August 13th

Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Where: Walnut Creek

Cost: $1,000 or $750 or $1,500

Instructor: Derek Bell


Summer School of Baseball Overview:

Why is it when school gets out and summer begins... baseball ends for most everyone 8th grade and below? This isn't the way it should be, summer was invented for baseball!


The best way to get better at baseball is to play, to be around the game. We have created that environemnt where  player can be on the field practicing and playing for either 2 days, 3 days or 5 days a week through our Golden Era 'Summer School of Baseball'.


Typical Day: 

  • 9:00 to 9:20 Stretching

  • 9:20 to 9:40 Catch

  • 9:40 to 10:30 Defense

  • 10:30 to 12:00 Hitting

  • 12:00 to 1:00 (Lunch Break)

  • 1:00 to 3:00 Game


Prerequites: Age 9U to 12U


Curriculum: The focus of our "Catcher Development Class" is to teach the technical position of catcher and to take any catcher to the next level behind the plate.


In our Catcher Development Class he spend the majority of our time executing drills to play the position correctly, but also teach the finer points of the position to increase a players understanding of the position.


With a good majority of our Catcher Development Class being dedicated to drill work, this is a class a player can take as many times as liked to stay on top of everything and to continue to develop as an catcher because we will go as fast and push as hard as each individual player is ready for.





  • Proper Sign-Giving Stance

  • Blocking Throwing Stance

  • Receiving

  • Framing

  • 'Sticking' The Ball

  • Blocking

  • Slide Blocking

  • Footwork On Steals

  • Setting Up Inside & Outside

  • Covering The Plate

  • Proper Technique On Catching A Pop-Up

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